Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sunday At the Meaningful Movies

West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice is sponsoring a free public film series and discussion afterwards. September 16, at 6PM, at the Fauntleroy UCC Church (9140 California Ave SW). This screening is of the compelling documentary "Why We Fight."

Christie and I own this film, and few things will better inform you or make you more mad - mad that our country, culture and economy is organized this way. The film brilliantly escorts the viewer through the development of our national arms-industry and its place in the political and popular life of our nation. It takes a brave and honest look at the history of American state-violence, and tries to make a fair and insightful analysis of our national psyche. This film, in short, is tremendously worth watching.

And what better way than for free, with other West Seattlites of like mind and concern? West Seattle Neighbors for Peace and Justice are fun folks, who thankfully haven't lost sight of either long-term dedication or a healthy sense of humor. If you haven't met anyone from this group yet, you really should. They're a hoot.

And there's free popcorn!

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